A website or webapp needs to have a design. Since I am a developer and not a designer I will go for the default bootstrap look for now. Maybe one day somebody will come with a real design.


I need a couple of pages to be able to enter the predictions.

  • A register form
  • A logon form
  • List of all the groups and of the knockout phases
  • A form to enter the predictions of a group
  • A form to enter the countries that make it to certain phase in the various knockout phases

These really basic designs are committed to the repository in the directory _extras/design.

I don’t think about the management forms at the moment. That will come at a later time.


The REST endpoints need to be thought off. For now I think these endpoints will get the job done. User authentication is not yet included.

Prediction phase

All POSTs must be disabled during the tournament.

GET /input/groups

Returns all groups and per group if it has been entered completed.

GET /input/group/{groupid}

WHERE {groupid} IN [a..h]

Returns an array with all the matches in the given group.

  • MatchID
  • ISO code of the home playing country
  • Name of the home playing country
  • ISO code of away playing country
  • Name of the away playing country
  • Date (yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS)
  • City where the match is played
  • Name of the stadium
  • The users prediction of the game
    • 0 == Not predicted yet
    • 1 == Home playing country wins
    • 2 == Away playing country wins
    • 3 == Draw

Note that the country within the UK don’t have a two letter country code. They are officially part of ISO 3166-2:GB. For this game I will create unofficial two letter codes for countries of the UK.

POST /input/group/{groupid}

WHERE {groupid} IN [a..h]

Post the user’s prediction. An array with (all) matched in the group

  • MatchID
  • The users prediction of the game
    • 0 == Not predicted yet
    • 1 == Home playing country wins
    • 2 == Away playing country wins
    • 3 == Draw

Knockout phase

GET /input/ko/{phaseid}

Returns an array with all the predicted countries in the phase

  • ISO country code or null
POST /input/ko/{phaseid}

Posts an array with all the predicted countries in the phase

  • ISO country code or null

During the tournament

GET /play/standing

Returns the current standing with all users in ascending order

  • UserID
  • Name
  • Nickname (Usually the first name)
  • Points
GET /play/group/{groupid}
GET /play/group/{groupid}/user/{userid}

Return the users own predictions or the predictions of the given user.

/play/group/{groupid} is probably exact the same as /input/group/{groupid}, in which case it is not needed. /input/group/{groupid}/user/{userid} may only work when the tournament has actually started.

GET /play/ko/{phaseid}
GET /play/ko/{phaseid}/user/{userid}

Return the users own predictions or the predictions of the given user.

/play/ko/{phaseid} is probably exact the same as /input/ko/{phaseid}, in which case it is not needed. /play/ko/{phaseid}/user/{userid} may only work when the tournament has actually started.

User information

GET /user

Return general information about the logged in user.

Maybe implement a POST for the user to change some of the information, but that has a low priority.


Only available for special users. They must be used to enter the results of the played matches.

During the group phase

GET /mngt/group/{groupid}
POST /mngt/group/{groupid}

Very similar to GET /input/group/{groupid} but it retrieves the matches in the group with the actual results. Result == 0 means that result of the match hasn’t been entered yet.

During the knockout phase

GET /mngt/ko/{phaseid}

Returns an array with all the matches in the given phase.

POST /mngt/match/{matchid}
  • MatchID
  • ISO code of home playing country or null
  • ISO code of away playing country or null

User management

Only available for special users to maintain all the information of the given user.

GET /mngt/user/{userid}
POST /mngt/user/{userid}



Returns the version of the API