Welcome to the website of Frank Fesevur.
On this website you can find information about the various open source projects I work on or have worked on.
I have written a tutorial on how to get started using vim.
If you are interested in the (Dutch) genealogy of the Fesevur family, you can find that here are well.
Afgelopen nacht was er een hoogtepunt in zonneactiviteit, wat leidde tot zichtbaar noorderlicht in Nederland. Als zelfs nu.nl een artikel plaatst dan weet je dat je erbij moet zijn. Dus snel mijn spullen gepakt (dat wil zeggen vooral mijn Gorillapod met houder voor de telefoon) en onderweg.
The last weeks I have been pickup up the development of the football predictions website again. One of the things I realized (again) was that my home pc is quite old and limited on resources, so I don’t want to run a SQL Server in a docker container. Since I already investigated to use SQLite as a database engine, I decided to make the database engine configurable. It turned out to be a small change.
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