28 Jul 2004
My bike
I really need to do something about my current bike.
I bought my Ramble Voyager two years ago at the Aldi for € 199. I know for this price you can not expect the quality of a Koga-Miyata, but at least one would expect the tires to be worn out before the bike itself, wouldn’t you? But unfortunately this is not true. After less then 4000 km, everything that comes close to the chain (the wheel, the pedals, the cog-wheels) makes much noise. The axle is bad and because of that the wheel drags, which makes it too hard to drive it normally.
So I’ve planned to take the afternoon off and go to several bike shops and see what I can do. Basically I have two options, fix my current bike or buy a new one.
Fixing the old one is probably cheaper, but the wheel, pedals and everything between them need to be replaced, so I would have to spend more money on it then the € 199 I paid to buy it. Not a real option!
You're right. I also think that is the best option. I still have to call the Aldi and see how they react.
Go for the Koga! Then you can go on biking-holiday too!
That surely sucks!
I'd go with buying a new bike though. And a good one at that. If you're going to repair it you'll spend as much on that old (crummy) bike, as you would have on a better bike Sure it'll hurt in the wallet for a bit right now, but it'll be better in the long run...